+ NPR just rickrolled me. It was talking about that
dude from Kansas. The reporter decided to explain some of the geek jokes in the comic ('frak' and the 300, among others) and then suddenly, they were playing Rick Astley. On NPR. This is an excellent way to start the day.
-- A not-so excellent way to start the day is to arrive at work only to find that the vacation your boss is taking ended a day earlier than you thought, meaning getting a few last minute things done will be tricksy with them actually here. Balls.
- Starbucks made my drink slightly wrong, and it’s kind of gross and making me jittery. Double balls.
+ + Made chili in the crock pot last night and OMG. There are improvements to be made (next time, I’m totally draining the diced tomatoes), but HOLY CRAP. And chili with shredded cheddar is like manna from heaven. Plus, we have lotsa chili to stick in the freezer. WIN.
-/+ Forgot to bring said chili for lunch and am now stuck with bagel. On the other hand, this means I will have LOTS of chili for dinner. Nom nom nom.
+ Roommates have been gone since Friday, huzaaaaaaahh.
- Wes has been in full-on Couple Funtime mode, meaning I haven't had a chance to tag or check the game since FRIDAY. Hopefully I can get on that this afternoon. x_<
+ Wes has been in full-on couple mode, and it's adorable. And hot. And we're moving in together. Fweeeeee!
- Roommates are returning home today.
+ Maybe they’ll pay the Comcast bill and I’ll finally have the Olympics on my teevee. Maybe. If either of them grows a pair.
+ Wes says I don't need to panic over the size of the moving truck, so I can move stuff into the apartment early, but I don't necessarily have to. Score.
+ We can totally give one of the current roommates our old mattress and box spring (they're both sleeping on futons, without frames), take the futon for guests and store it under our bed, and VOILA, problem of extra box spring and mattress SOLVED. *fistpump*
+ I reserved a UHaul for September 6. I can has move?
*returns to reimbursements, travel itineraries, and travel approval forms. For someone else's travel.*