That incoherent noise of geeky glee you heard Saturday afternoon? Yeah, that’d be me.
I did it. This weekend Wes gave me a ride up to New Hampshire, the land of Liquor, Cigarettes, and Tax Free Shopping, and I bought myself a shiny new
8G iPhone. It is sitting next to me at my desk, quietly reveling in its awesomeness. I’ve only had it for a couple days, so we’ll see what drives me nuts and what I get addicted to. The ringtone is relatively pleasing, the sound is good, the user interface is interactive and intuitive... It’s awesome. I’m only just learning how to use it best, but I’m sure that as I learn more about what I need and what it can provide, I’ll rapidly become wholeheartedly addicted to the thing.
Good lord, I feel like I need to go read a book by a fire for a week. Check here for more absurd and innate updates about my cell phone. Lord, we are so addicted. /tech geekery