A fun list of crap on my mind this lovely Friday morning. Oh, and add to all this my huge workload of fun stuff that needs to be done yesterday. This entire week I've felt like I'm catching up, like I'm one step behind where I want to be or where I should be. I'm slowly, slowly, slowly catching up. Good lord, I need this weekend. Badly.
Sarah's Brainpan: ...for right now.
- shelightsupwell is hosting our precious melloniel and genjadeshade, and I am monumentally jealous. Sadcakes.
- I burned my hand AND my mouth on my tea this morning. Fucking ow.
- NONE of my pants fit, except the new jeans I bought this weekend. Everyone keeps telling me I've lost weight (woot), and it's apparently gotten to the point where NONE of my pants fit. The ones that were a little loose before are now MAMMOTH, and the ones that fit just right hang off my hips (no lie-- on the walk home from the bus yesterday, I was flashing the entire band of my underwear. I felt like such a ho).
I also DO NOT have the money to buy new pants from J Crew or something, so I either need to wrack up some credit card debt at Old Navy (it's in between cheap clothes that look like crap and good pants, so I'll take it), keep looking like a total schlub, or wearing only skirts (in our ice-cold office). Methinks I will be paying Old Navy a visit. *waves goodbye to munneh*
- My Big Plan for this weekend is to unpack the last dregs of my room, aka: move crap into the basement, and set up my bookshelves. If I'm lucky (and by lucky, I mean if I can convince Wes to come with me), I might squeeze in a trip to Old Navy. Church and choir on Sunday (woot, Homecoming Sunday!), and then back for work again on Monday. Why are weekends so goddamn tiny?
- I think I sprained my toe. Or something. I stubbed it last night on my wastebasket, and it was swollen and hurt like a mother all night, even after I iced it. And now, it's still swollen and hurts when I move it. Fucking joy.
- I need to make a doctor's appointment. My prescription is running out. Craaaap.
ETA: Oh, lordie. My boss just walked in yelling about having her keyboard tray installed. Because, y'know, that's her biggest priority. Ahhh, Friday.