Title: Fires
Rating: T
Summary: Severus learns the hard way that bloodlines show up when you need them, not when you want them. Aka: genetics are a bitch. creature!Snape [Severus-centric with a SSRL(snupin) flavor.]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter.
Severus’s brows furrowed as he followed the path beneath the womping willow. “Lily,” he whispered, continuing when he heard no sound, “Lily please!” Panic was starting to settle in as he heard no reply. Damn that Black, how could he just let Lily come here, after knowing that Lupin was? He growled, and scrambled forward faster, he knew better than anyone about Lilly’s curiosity. If this mystery had caught her attention, then she’d be here. Severus swallowed and hoped against hope that Black was pulling his leg. Though if that were true than Black was trying to kill him; and that might be even worse… in a different way.
They traded hexes and crude insults, but never had they tried to kill each other. That was crossing a boundary that Severus wasn’t ready for, would probably never be ready for, didn’t want to be ready for. Where are you Lily? I won’t let anything happen to you.
James charged into the room a few minutes later, startled to find His friend slumped against the opposite wall, Snivillus unconscious on the floor, blood spreading sluggishly, and various blast marks peppering the room.
Part II]