Entwined [chapter 2]

Mar 15, 2011 22:04

Title: Entwined
Rating:K+ [for this chapter]
Pairing:Zuko x Aang
Summary:“So let me get this straight.” Azula massaged her temples, eye brow furrowed. “You’re gay. You’re seventeen, and you’ve only just noticed that you’re not attracted to women.”

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Jet was the first person to approach Zuko as a potential suitor. Sure he still watched a bright silver eyed freshman, but the more he watch the more desolate it seemed. He was sunshine and freedom. And Zuko was chained. Azula hadn’t made any progress with her own admiration, and so they were stuck at a crossroads.

Zuko accepted Jet’s proposal out of a need to be intimate with someone. A need to love and be loved. Jet turned out to be too much love. He was possessive and quite plainly a nymphomaniac.

“You could do so much better than him you know.” Azula was propped up on his pillows, biology notes by her side. Zuko was on his back next to her playing some infernal game on his handheld. “He’s got a real bad reputation. And don’t you still like Aang?”

The older teen grunted, eyes flickering to her before going back to whatever button smashing was required of him.

“No, seriously, listen to me.” He turned off the game and finally focused on her. “You know that girl that hangs around your dream boy? Katara's her name I think. Jet dated her for a while, and almost forced her. Only her brother managed to save her. He’s not a good guy Zuko. You need to cut ties with him. Pronto.”

Zuko found himself smiling softly at her. “It’s ok Azula. I know what kind of guy he is. We’ve gotten into fist fights together. I’ve managed to win every one of them.”She gave him that look that was so much like mom’s that it made his chest constrict. “Okay, I’ll break up with him if it makes you happy.”She nodded, satisfied that she’d gotten her point across. “But only if you break up with Jun.” She started.

“I didn’t think you knew about that.” There was a note of panic her voice.

“It’s ok Azula.” He grabbed her hand, “It’s ok. Breathe. I’m the only one that knows. And it’s only because I’m your brother.” He sat up and wrapped arms around her. “I’ll come with you if you want. I’m sure Jun will only be mildly disappointed.” Azula was breathing normally again.

“We’re quite a pair aren’t we brother. Both getting into abusive relationships because he crave affection so much.”

“Yeah. I think it also has something to do with our father.” Azula didn’t object and leaned on his shoulder. “Why do we stay here Azula? Why do we bother to hold him together when we hate him so much?”

She replied without pause, “Because we’re all he has left. And we’re family; whether he realizes or not.” Zuko breathed, not quite a sigh. They had always been incredibly loyal, to an extent it might have even been considered a fault.

The crunch of tiers drew them apart and Azula and her biology notes where gone as it they were never there.


Zuko stared at Jet’s contorted face. He’d been expecting some kind of blow up, but this...this was more alarming than he'd expected. “Y-you’re breaking up with me.” Zuko refused to step back at Jet's tone. It was wild and furious, like water behind a dam.

“Yes.” There really wasn’t that much more to say. They were over, and there was no way he was going back to him. It happened so fast that it took the black haired teen a few seconds to process that Jet had him pressed up against a wall, tongue violating his mouth, and another few seconds to react appropriately.

He shoved the other away. “We’re over Jet. No.” and then the tanner teen was on him again, hands grabbing at his throat. Only to be stopped by a teacher's shout. They both turned, startled.

“Thank you Aang, you can get back to your lunch now.” She swiveled to them again, “You two come with me.” They both followed reluctantly. “We’ll be calling in your parents for your indecent behavior.”

It was only then that Zuko realized that his lips were probably bruised and their disheveled appearances might lead to a totally different conclusion. But he didn’t say anything. Ice was spreading through his veins at the thought of Ozai coming to school on his behalf.

It was little over half an hour before Jet'sguardian’s and Zuko’s father were all gathered together in the principal’s office. “You’re boys have been found making out behind the school early this afternoon…” Zuko’s mind blanked. Hadn’t it been clear that it was more of a fight than a rendezvous? No. Ozai was going to kill him. He could feel the holes burning in his head from this father’s gaze as the principal prattled on.

“Excuse me.” He interrupted,on the verge of a panic attack. “Mrs. Principal. I think you are confused. What you witnessed was nothing more inappropriate than a fist fight.” He hoped that His father would find this a little less shameful for a male of the Hinote line.

Jet wasn’t willing to cooperate, and snorted disbelievingly. “Yeah,” he muttered, “Nothing sexual at all.”

Zuko didn’t come back to school for a week. He spent it in the hospital with his Uncle, recovering from a bad burn. When he came back, he punched Jet in the face repeatedly and took the suspension willingly. All the school knew why, and nobody bothered to stop it, no one felt sorry for Jet either.

Jet moved, though nobody could figure out if it was because he felt bad about what his actions had done to Zuko, or if he just wanted to get away from the accusations.

Chapter 3

fanfiction, zukaang

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