Entwined [chapter 7]

May 02, 2012 19:23

Title: Entwined
Pairing:Zuko x Aang
Summary:“So let me get this straight.” Azula massaged her temples, eye brow furrowed. “You’re gay. You’re seventeen, and you’ve only just noticed that you’re not attracted to women.”

[ Chapter 1]

[Chapter 6]

Stupid…short… glimpses!  Gah!  Why can’t I be an awesome writer???  Why can’t I have fanfictions without scene breaks every page of word or so???  Such a failure….sob sob.

Well, now that my self-pity-party is over, thank you for waiting!  I promised someone I’d put this up at the end of February…but I found myself outlining it for some reason… hopefully this planning ahead thing will make it much easier.  Haha

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, and I make no money from this fanfiction.

Now we’ve got some Mai, some tough comforting, some more Katara logic, and some oblivious Aang! Enjoy to the fullest.
Chapter 7


Going back to school, had to be one of the most trying experiences of Zuko’s short life.

It wasn’t the constant attention that got to him (he was used to that by now), it was the pity that seemed to boil over in people’s eyes, they way they whispered when they thought he wasn’t paying attention, and the frightened glances (those were the worst).

Like his injury was contagious or something just as ridiculous.  Zuko grit his teeth and kept walking.  There was little he could do to affect anyones’ opinion of him, or his scar.  A scar he fully intended to carry for the rest of his life.

Sitting down in Calculus, he sighed, exhausted beyond all reason.  His books hitting the desk with more than usual force seemed to be what Mai was listening for, as she turned to face him.  Glossy black hair sliding over her shoulder.  “You do realize,” she deadpanned, “that nothing I say can possibly prepare your sister for the sight for you, right?”

The desire to slam face first into his calculus book, was promptly resisted, as his face in question, was still sore (and would probably feel a lot worse if he wasn’t taking the hundreds of pills his doctor had prescribed.).  “Yes.” He answered grudgingly, conceding her point.  If he couldn’t stand to look into a mirror (which he couldn’t) there was no doubt that other’s wouldn’t be able to look at him.  At least Mai had managed to hide any pity she might have felt.

She continued to observe him before pulling out her cell phone, and snapping a quick photo.

“Wha- Mai, what do you think you’re doing?!”

“This way I don’t have to explain anything.  I can just shove the picture at her.”  She smirked but it lacked her usual smugness.  “This way there’s no vague reassurances, not babbling about how to describe it accurately.  It will be…self explanatory.  Much simpler.”

Eyebrow twitching, Zuko pulled out a pencil and stated stabbing his spiral notebook with it.  “Whatever.  Just make sure you erase it afterwards.”  The last thing he needed was someone with a picture of his wretched face in their cellphone.

“Though, you know,” Mai continued, looking at her phone, “Some guys dig scars…”


The day Zuko came to school without bandages on, Aang was the last to know.  It had much to do with Aang’s own innate obliviousness, and partly to do with Katara’s overprotective nature.

Aang was important.  While not interested in him romantically, Katara viewed him as the younger brother she never had.  He was someone she had to protect, and took the side of no matter the circumstance.  Which was the reason she’d attacked Zuko Hinote so viciously, while knowing nothing about the conversation that had taken place between her charge and him.

In her mind, it was Zuko Hinote’s fault that Aang felt guilty.  That his usual happy face was now, more often than not, sad.  It couldn’t be Aang’s fault, so the other part of the equation must be at fault.  It was with this reasoning, that she did everything in her power to keep Aang from discovering that Zuko Hinote had come back to school, with his burn on display.

There were, of course, things she could not control.

Namely her brother.  Her poor, soon to be very hurt, insensitive, senseless, older brother.

“You should have seen it, Aang.  Totally gross!”

And of course, Aang was looking at her sibling like the world was crashing down around his ears.  Face white, hands clenched in his orange t-shirt, eyes wide, Katara might have guessed he was about to faint.  Apparently she wasn’t the only one.

“Aang?  Hey, you alright buddy?”  Her glare sharpened.  Of course Aang wasn’t “alright!” He hadn’t been “alright,” since Zuko had happened.

Zuko and his stupid messed up family.  Ugh, she hated him!

“Am I...? Yeah, yes, I-I’m perfectly fine Sokka.  Must have dazed off for a while.  What where you saying?”  Aang’s voice cracked.

Sokka paused in his eating for a moment, in order to shrug and reiterate: “Nothing.  Just that that Zuko guy’s bandages are officially gone for good, and the poor sod didn’t get any plastic surgery.  It looks really bad, man.”

“O-oh.  Right.  That’s what I thought you said…I’m, I’m going…over there.”  Aang scrambled off before either of the Mizuumi siblings could say a thing.  A fact which perplexed Sokka, and left Katara with a sense of rising panic.  A feeling she quickly circumvented by slamming her book into Sokka’s back.

“Sokka, I’m going to HURT YOU!”  she’d tried so hard to keep the information for Aang…


With all truthfulness, Aang was…not looking forward to seeing Zuko’s bandages come off.  He had existed in constant fear of the day his worst mistake was unwrapped.  It was like the linen contained his blunder.  Made it imaginary.  It just, somehow… wasn’t so bad if he didn’t have to actually see past the cloth to the ruined skin.  But now without the linen to hide what he’d done…he’d have to face Zuko.

All the guilt he’d managed to push away came crashing down on him, and he felt compelled to go in search of the other male.  Out of duty to the one he’d wounded.


As opposed to Aang, Azula was one of the first to know about her brother’s decision (Iroh being the first).  She’d been mildly surprised that he’d chosen against restorative surgery.  Surprised, yet not.  It was such a Zuko-esque thing to do there hadn’t been any ill feelings at the thought that he’d rather walk around with half a face than with half a fake one.

However, knowing intellectually and actually seeing the finished product, so to say, was entirely different.  From the moment she’d regained consciousness that morning, Azula had been filled to the brim with dread.

Zuko had always been the “beautiful older brother.”  His face was as much a part of him as his dry sense of humor (which matched perfectly with her own demented one).  She really wasn’t quite sure how she’d cope with the image of Zuko without a veil to hide the hurt.

She tried various methods in attempt to calm her nervousness. Physical exercise, deep breathing, pushing it aside, coming up with different scenarios…it was almost with relief that she found herself sitting next to TyLee and Mai after her Spanish language course.

There really wasn’t much preamble after Mai arrived.  The butterfly’s fluttered around as Mai shoved her cell phone into Azula’s face.

“He looks pretty much horrid,” Mai’s monotone split her attention and made the world continue its rotation.

And it was bad. It was grotesque, and shiny, and…and it was till Zuko.  The silent glare, the exasperation, and that playful glint he always got when he was only pretending to be angry or insulted.  Yes, it was still just Zuko, her beautiful, dependable big brother.

Azula smiled, just a quirk of her lips she found herself incapable of hiding. Yes, she could still recognize him.  Ozai hadn’t really taken him away after all.  He’d always be there for her, as solid and reassuring as ever.

She handed Mai back her phone.

“It’s not as bad as I anticipated.”  A sigh as Ty Lee practically sole the device from Mai’s loose hold so that she could see too! No fair that they were trying to keep her out of the loop.  “I do hope you managed to console him in some manner.”

Mail smirked, “Well…”

Azula laughed as Mai recounted the look of surprise, disgust, and amusement Zuko had made when she had reassured him that scars were… attractive to some people.  Now that the worry was over, all Azula wanted to do was laugh; to shriek and giggle until her sides hurt and her face was tomato red.  She’d been agonizing over nothing .  No matter the scars Zuko carried, he’d always be himself.  Would always be her brother.  Would always keep her safe.  She could always count one him.  No matter the circumstances.

Their lives here entwined, since the day they were born.


So yup, Azula feels better, Aang feels worse and seems to be out to give himself some self punishment.  We’ll see how that goes for him…

tell me if you find mistakes! i will fix them!  thank you!

[Chapter 8]

fanfiction, zukaang

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