May 27, 2004 14:58
boy-o-boy is being at home SO much less fun than i anticipated. i have just jumped from channel to channel having fox sux. literally it SUX the life out of me. i have but one braincell left! and thats probably WHY i cant stop saying good-o. or it may be because i am a big gay who cant speak a sentence without saying at east one DEFORMED word.
I'm sick of just shoot me and FAKE FAKE jerry springer! grrrrrrrr. my dad has LOST my willy wonka and the chocolate factory dvd. but dont tell bryan boy would he be mad. well not mad just pissed off not at me though. its just his mum bought me that dvd for christmas. WHY CANT MY DAD E MORE FUCKING CONSIDERATE! he's not even sorry. he doesnt think he should have to be. what a FUCK!
sorry angry outburst are caused by not wearing anything but pyjamas for 48 hours. this is like my 40 hour famine. i'm famining from clothes.
Im so pissed off that the strike had to be a day i didnt have exams any way. booooo. not to the teachers as i will be strangled if i am caught saying that, but to their dumb organisational skills. i wanna see rasputina but they are so too cool to come to australia. stupid them. they only do recitals in the us. they dont even do concerts they call them 'recitals' arnt we a little too cool for school?!
i want ice cream i am gonna be a whale by the end of winter have eaten so uch since not being at school. its so worth getting an extra chin for! ah ah ah ahahaha. okay then i will goo cos i am getting weird. bye buddy boys and daddy-os. sllep well.