...sleep is prob'ly what I need now....]
[music| Nothing.]
Dourandom Today:
Go find someone who cares, you fakelog.
DM to Penbee:"We're off to see the Google! The most wonderful search page of all!"
Word of the Day:
n. (1)a kind of firework where you hold one end in your hand, and the other is lit, creating colorful sparks that STILL manage to burn your hand despite the long stick. (2)slang for marijuana or any other illegal drug smoked in blunt form.
Harry Potter Innuedo:
"Well?" said Ron finally, looking up at Harry. "How was it?" Harry considered for a moment.
"Wet." He said truthfully.
(Book 5, p.458)
Irritating neighbors. She's trying to treat us like her own grandkids because she almost never sees her own, and while my sister may not mind getting Xmas gifts from anybody and going to church with this woman, I do.
Gifts? Thanks for the...um...blanket. Really. It's nice. Unfortunately, I'm just not the type of person to appreciate it. I already have two grandmothers, and you aren't one of them. And you obviously don't know my likes, so why bother getting me anything? I never think about you unless you're literally in front of my face. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's true.
You know what I'd REALLY like from you, though?
I don't care about what you think I care about, and if the last 10 years of "mm-hm"ing and looking bored haven't clued you in yet, well, maybe I oughta just freakin' tell you!
Unfortunately, I'm not quite that tactless and rude.
Ticked off,
P.S. Anyway, it's now midnight US Central Time, so to you I say, "Happy New's Year's, and don't forget to flush the goddamn toilet!"
::puts up her 2006 Fullmetal Alchemist calendar::