(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 15:32

...yay, Christmas....]
[music| Dimanche - Origa]

Dourandom Today:
Don't tell me what to do! That's my cat's job.
DM to Gleep, on yaoi fans:"Well, considering I found two at lunch the other day and I'm suddenly accosted by a part-time one, I think they're beginning to pop up like weeds."
Word of the Day:
n. a Greek word meaning 'temporary madness'.
v. past tense of eat.
Harry Potter Innuedo:
"Ron wrenched the hangings apart, and Harry stared up at him in the moonlight, as he lay flat on his back."
(Book 5, p.586)

This post is randomly dedicated to Ki and her Canon Nazis!
She showed me this awesome icon....

NOTICE! You'll all be getting belated cards. How belated depends on whether I can bug my mom into getting stamps by New Years'.

DourMetal: I like mine with peanut butter, not cream cheese.
Kaousha: huh?
Kaousha: "What is, confuse the hell out of bagel?"
DourMetal: -.- Are you watching Jeopardy?
DourMetal: 'Cause you answered correctly.

That was me coming out of nowhere to bug Bagel. XD She's such a good sport.

::experiences ate:: DIE, SQUIRRELS! ::shoots 'em with bbgun:: DIE! DIE!

Feeling random,

P.S. You people make me feel so selfish. Penbee wishes her mom could be there Xmas morning, Freya likes making cookies with her mom, sev IS a mom....And here I am, not caring about Xmas one way or another. (Because, truly, while gifts are always nice, I don't particularly care if I get them.) I've never had the 'Christmas Spirit'; well, maybe when I was in grade school, but now....Now it's like, 'Xmas? Whatever. Just stop playing that godawful elevator music at stores already!' ::becomes slightly depressed:: Why do I always feel so detached from life?

My LiveJournal Friends

Try out this Meme

Brought to you by BearPodcast.

My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12 celinafairys a-posting.11 sarieths a-drinking.10 tar3820s a-spinning.9 7maxwells a-raving.8 bagelbunions a-twisting.7 silverblaises a-guzzling.6 kyo_ais a-drumming.5 light orange penbeetreewoods.4 hacking disutilitys.3 Haitian icestar_c_ms.2 monkey eternal_secret6s.And a emptyfate in a cantaloupe tree.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

disutility, sarieth, emptyfate, silverblaise, kyo_ai, kinneasirvine, bagelbunion, tar3820, eternal_secret6, gleep, penbeetreewood, icestar_c_m, 7maxwell, celinafairy

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