Testing testing one two three.....

Nov 10, 2004 12:03

Yeah so i get to go to the GYNO today, i have to have a byopsy done... no not a pap... this is a clipping... they take nail clippers and clip a part of me away to see if i have cancer or not... why you ask. well because they found abnormal cell growth in my pap, so they want to make sure that the cells are abnormal (cancerous) and not just going through regular cell mitosis. YIPPIE! i hope i do have cancer and die... that would be kind of kewl. Im sure im not the only one who thinks that.

Anyways... I was looking in the mirror last night... and HOLY SHIT! I am fucking disgusting! i cant even take it... if i could have found one thing that could cut through my skin, i seriously would have tried to cut away all the un-nesseccery parts of my body....

I had to interview taryn last night about her anorexia... i give her so much credit for having that much will power... i dont have that stregth... i dont even have the strength to maintain a diet... thats fucking ridiculous...Im just that fucking pathetic.
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