First time posting here, I think!
Title: A Crack in the Mask, Chapter 1
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: DoumekiXWatanuki
Length: ~1500 words for this chapter, and ~5000 words in total, I think, once all the chapters are uploaded.
Summary: Overcoming Doumeki's silence, and Watanuki's denial. The power of words, and of masks.
Link/s: You can find this story
here at, or
here at my
fanworks journal.
I have already completed writing this story, with three chapters following this first one, so no need to fear my neglecting the story - it's finished! As I upload the remaining chapters over the next week or so, I will update the links at my fanworks journal. Alternately, you can add the story to your Story Alerts on if you use that. Once all of the chapters have been released, I'll post an entry here linking to the story as a whole rather than making a new post for each chapter.
Crossposted to
xxx_holic. I hope that's okay.