Apr 14, 2007 13:37
First off, let me say that I am happy. I am happy with my life. I am happy with the relationships in my life, and I am happy that even though I don't know what's going on most of the time or where I am going, I don't need to. I was thinking this morning, which is dangerous, because I only got four hours of sleep, but honestly, I don't expect anything in my life. I mean, I have no preconceived ideas, or I try not to. Because I do not control my life or my circimstances, I do not control where I am heading, and every time I have ever thought things about my life and where I was headed or what I wanted, it always took me farther from where I should have been. It always looked good, but as I walked the opposite way something always caught the glimmer of greatness that I had walked away from, and I would remember what I was called to do. The enemy attacks us like that... he makes us see things as good, and yes, they may be good, but don't walk away from greatness because of something good. Don't dim the lights on your calling and stay in a safe area where you know you can be effective, go for what you were called to do. I have no false ideas that whatever my calling is is going to be easy, I have no false ideas that I am guaranteed my life, or anything I may consider good. But I do know that whatever it is will be worth it. And I am completely happy with not knowing and just following. The one who has called me is faithful... one thing I learned from Thailand, which didn't really have anything to do with Thailand really, is that God has no problems making decisions. We do, of course, but He does not. Everytime He says something, it is always definite... there is no changing HIs mind, or going back on His promises. He is faithful. And He is faithful in my life. I have no reason to distrust Him, because He has never, in all of eternity past, failed to deliver. I can not see what is best for me, and I don't pretend that I can. I don't rule out anything He may bring about, but I don't pretend that I know what should happen.
I don't know anything except that He will bring about what He wishes. And I am so grateful for that, I would be in such a mess if my life were left up to me. I don't even want to think about it. I don't know what is in store, but I am so excited. I am so excited for what He has already given me, and excited that though I am not guaranteed my next breath, He has had His plan for my life forever.
He really showed me a lot this week how He loves me... someone asked me today what my passions were, why i woke up in the morning... my answer was ministry, music, and seeing the little things God does just to let me know He is there.
It's the little things in life that make me realize and see who He is. The flowers, the prayers He answers within the day, the conversations, the comfort, the laughing... and when I ask a question and get a direct answer.
Remind me, if I forget, that I don't know what's good for me. I can do nothing else, I have reached my limit... but Papa can do anything.