Jan 24, 2007 08:35
Before last night, I hadn't seen Dead Poet's Society in more than five years. Once upon a time, I watched DPS every year. A college roommate would put it in the VCR, or a church friend, or it'd come on TV (back when I watched TV). So, I've seen the movie quite a lot. I used to think it was excellent, awesome, and any other number of fabulous superlatives. Now I recognize it for what it was: a reasonably well-acted, well-scripted drama that brought the "life-changing teacher drama" to a new level.
Isaac's been crying a lot this morning. If I weren't twenty-six years older than him, I might have joined in. Kids have a way of fully expressing whatever they feel. Little hearts on little sleeves. I just stare down my computer, quietly wishing I could fall back asleep.
Oh, elusive sleep, how I long for thee!
This growing baby inside me feels like an athlete, maybe a gymnast. Every night, just when I collapse into bed utterly exhausted and ready for sleep, the baby wakes up and starts a marathon of poking, kicking, hiccuping, stretching, and even somersaulting. These little interior wiggles make me happy. I like knowing my baby is alive and well, healthy and strong. And, the awareness of it's presence does my soul good. Nevertheless, an hour and a half will likely go by before the kid settles down. Then, it's another half hour or more before I settle down enough to fall asleep. Before I know it, it's past two in the morning, and I've got to wake up with Isaac at some ungodly hour like seven or eight in the morning.
Yesterday morning Steve got up with Isaac and let me sleep in. I woke up sometime after eleven. I think that's the time my body would naturally wake up every morning these days if free to do so. Instead, I wake up when my precious alarm clock wakes me up (aka "Isaac"), and it seems like nap time can't come quickly enough.
Recently, though, napping hasn't even been productive. The same thing that happens at night when I go to bed happens when I try to nap. But, because it's Isaac's nap time, he usually wakes up just as I've fallen asleep.
I can't imagine how tired I'll be after the baby comes.
Anyhow, we're supposed to make up our minds about a lender by the end of today so that we can get The Colonel to sign an amendment to the contract to push our closing date back. Mr. Banker finally realized yesterday that we aren't shopping rates this go 'round; we're shopping who can get us into this house despite the fact that it's an A-frame with no comparable A-frames within a ten mile radius. Yesterday, we found some A-frames within about 15 miles away as the crow flies. I don't know if those could beef up our appraisal or not. Anyhow, Mr. Banker finally put a call in to his underwriters to see if they'd be willing to approve any loan for this A-frame and what conditions would have to be met to do it. I sure do hope it works out with him. He's the only one offering us semi-decent rates thus far. Plus, I'd prefer to do business with our bank. It'd just be easier to do things like make payments, etc. Yesterday, he said, "We're the number one sub-prime lender in the U.S. If we can't get this loan through for you, I doubt anybody could." Sub-prime? Is that what we are now? Just because the house we want to buy is an A-frame? Ah well. If what he said is really true, then I really hope his underwriters come back with positive things to say about our loan.
Please God, please.
home buying