Yay! We have a new place to stay!

Feb 09, 2006 20:08

I heard back earlier this afternoon from the apartment people. We're approved and will go sign the lease either tomorrow or Monday during Steve's lunch break.

This morning, Steve stopped by the apartments on his way to work. He drove back to where our new apartment is and noted that there was plenty of extra parking since it's at the tail end of the complex. The morning light was dancing just right through the trees, and the only sounds were birds singing. From our apartment's balcony, we can watch the sunrise and hear the birds twitter. We can watch the neighboring horses, deer, and cattle roam around. We can't hear the highway despite being less than a mile off it. He got back in his car and drove to his work in less than 10 minutes. The morning venture seemed like a good sign and sealed the move in Steve's mind.

I'm so tired of hearing about the crappy way a couple of the techs at work are treating Steve. He was so stressed today from being screamed at and called names that he got a nervous stomach and couldn't eat a thing. He came home and immediately curled up in bed, pleading a nauseated tummy. On the one level, it infuriates me. On another, I'm just so ready for the situation to right itself and end. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of praying about it. I'm tired of hearing about how Steve sometimes feels ready to chuck it all in, return our new car, break our lease, and flee into the wilderness to see just how simply we can live.

Lord God, I'm ready for a change. I don't feel desperate enough to light a paschal candle of the holy light, but I do feel the "pain of heart" so necessary for effective prayer. I know if it weren't this trial, it'd be something else. That's the way life is now that we're born into a planet full of sinners and let sin live within us. I just want Steve to be able to grasp that unearthly peace that passes all understanding so that he can endure this cross with more grace and strength of spirit. I want him to be able to know joy and peace despite being tossed about in a sea of anguish and affliction. That seems to be the paradoxical goal of the Christian Life. And, it's what I ask of You for my husband. Have mercy, Lord. Through the prayers of the most holy lady Theotokos and ever virgin Mary, our holy and God-bearing father among the saints, St. John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of San Francisco and Shanghai, the holy Archangel Michael whose name Steve bears, the anscestors of God Joachim and Anna, and of all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, Oh God.

nw imports, moving

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