Harry Potter and my Shattered Emotions

Jul 19, 2005 16:33

Well, not much has happened in my world recently, except I got the new Harry Potter book.  Please do not read any further if you do not want to see spoilers.

It arrived in my mailbox on Saturday from Amazon, and I started reading it that evening.  I finished it by Sunday evening, and have been reeling ever since.  I handed it over to Steve and he finished it by staying up all last night and reading it.  I think he finished it around 7am today, then came to bed and went to sleep.  (He's still sleeping.)  It is an addicting book, and probably one of the best in the series.   It's a lot more trim than OoTP and GOF, and deals mainly with Harry inside Hogwart's, learning more about Voldemort, hopefully learning the things he will need to know to have the advantage in defeating him in the end.  Anyhow,  it left me with about a million more questions than I had when I started it.  It also left me with a huge need to speak to others about it.  Did they have the same questions?  Were they as perplexed as I was?  Did they have the same theories based on supposed "clues" JKR left throughout the book?  So, I did what I swore I wouldn't do, and I went online.

I joined a couple HP forums and started discussing the book.  To my amazement, EVERYONE out there had virtually identical reactions to mine.   Okay, almost everyone.  There are a few people who took the book at face value and assumed Rowling was being as plain and straight about it as she could possibly be.  But most were like me and said, "NO. There's more to this than meets they eye.  What about when DD said this?  And what did that argument between SS and DD mean anyway?  And why did SS spare HP as SS was fleeing?  If HP really was LV's, then why not immobilize him and take him with you to LV?"  and on, and on, and on.  So now the theories are flying.  Everyone has the same questions, and there seem to be quite a few plausible theories going on as to what really happened.  I guess I don't care to write in my journal about all the theories I'm partial to, because I'm sure that might keep changing and evolve as JKR talks more about this book and about book 7.  But, needless to say, I'm eating, sleeping, waking, thinking Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Soon, Steve will wake up.  Then, I'll have another flesh and blood body to talke with about the book.  I am very, very eager to hear what he has to say.

In the meantime, Isaac is due a late afternoon nape.

harry potter

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