I've done it again. I'm a sucker for orange, and
tasha over in
premade_ljs created a fantabulous new layout with oranges, browns, yellows, and reds. I might not have gone for it based on the colors alone, but the retro flowers matched my subtitle. You know, the line from Hopkins, "Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet." So, for now, this is the new me. I spent a while tweaking the font, some spacing, and creating a pretty blockquote feature since I couldn't stand to part with my old one. All in all, I'm proud of what I accomplished with almost no knowledge of CSS.
And, to honor my prodigious skill in blockquote formatting creation, I present:
I say that we are wound
With mercy round and round
As if with air: the same
Is Mary, more by name.
She, wild web, wondrous robe,
Mantles the guilty globe,
Since God has let dispense
Her prayers his providence:
Nay more than almoner,
The sweet alms' self is her
And men are meant to share
Her life as life does air.
~From Gerard Manley Hopkins' The Blessed Virgin compared to the Air we Breathe