Kawaii neko n Bday Gifts...

Nov 02, 2008 10:38

Im So Exited! 
My birthday is less than 2 hours away...

Got 2 early presents already!
1st is a presnt from my friend...
So I get home and dere is a box with my name on the patio... So at first i was like... WTH?! Is that a bomb or something...
But I brought in anyway and opened... Turned out it was a present frm my friend ..
A lil stuffed  Wee Ninja...

And 2nd is an awesome Gift set frm My bro!!!
Since I wont c him 2morrow cuz he has to work 2morrow... He gave it to me 2night.
He got me a [JUICY COUTURE] Gift set!!! (With BIGEST parfume bottle)
Im SO FREAKING HAPPY! I wanned it so bad!

HEHEH... I wonder what will I2morrow and Saturday bring..
Im having a mini Bday get togather with my friends on Sat...

My cat was sleeping next to me on the bed whike I was updating LJ... She looked so cute so I just HAD to take her pic!!! ^^

She is Waking up..lol

Awake and mad... lol

Gomen [JOPA] I woke u open...

cats, gifts, birthday, jopa

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