Aug 01, 2010 22:52
I've been hearing rustling behind me all day. At first I think it's just my imagination, or a squirrel or something. But then it keeps happening practically everywhere that I go. Just when I'm about to start to really freak out about it, I see a piece of red fabric out of the corner of my eye.
If there is anyone out there besides Proto that has a red scarf or something similar, say so. Otherwise, Proto. Please tell me why you're stalking me!
[OoC: GUYS (especially Alex!) I'M SORRY, I TOTALLY MIXED UP DAYS AND DATES AND CURSES AND THOUGHT I WOULD BE BACK FROM MY FRIENDS' IN TIME TO POST THIS. Um. Pretend that this was posted yesterday? Also, for my own personal tagging system, does anyone remember the exact name of the curse?]
super stalking robot; proto maaaan,
every entry needs a scarf-stuffing tag,
proto is seekritly a ninja (ironic)