Title: 【Soul Hackers.】
Artist/Circle: HI-JET
Pairing: Renji x Ichigo (♂×♂) ; feat. all cast
Rating: SHONEN-AI | COMEDY ; PG-15
Warnings: Juicy and provocative talk (69)
Pages|Type: 48 (b/w) ; DOUJINSHI
Date of 1st publication: 18/05/2006
Language: japanese
≪卍解≫ ;
≪卍解≫ [BANKAI]
Download: n/a
Market Status → OOP
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『Stand-alone and first part of a supposed 2 volume series. Includes only one kiss scene at the end.』
This (mainly focused) RenIchi doujinshi feat. many other known characters, like e.g. Yoruichi, Chad, Shūhei, Kira, Matsumoto.
① It's the mind circus
Ichigo greets effusively Chad, causing Renji a moment of jealousy. On top of it Shūhei -knowing about Renji's affectedness- starts to annoy him.
② Shout at the Devil
Renji, Ichigo, Shūhei, Matsumoto and Kira go for a drink.
After having a lot of Sake, Shūhei keeps annoying Renji and starts provoking Ichigo, insinuating himself openly in a sexual manner (69-theme), causing the young substitute shinigumi heavy blushes.
All ends with a VERY drunken Kira and Ichigo, forcing Matsumoto and Shūhei to take Kira with them and Renji to take Ichigo pickabag to the bedders.
Once alone, Ichigo aproaches Renji wanting (as it seems) more from the vice-captain...
BLEACH artist mainly focused on RenIchi centred doujinshis (but draws generally all the other characters -incl. Shirosaki, too).
This circle has a very particular way of drawing BLEACH characters, especially Ichigo (kind of 'spiky' with sharp features).
Take a closely look at the samples.
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