BLEACH 《ブリーチ》 ⇒ 「白一護 x 恋次 x 一護 」

Mar 20, 2008 22:57

Title: 【TRES】
Artist/Circle: 月影改心 (DHK/2)
Pairing: H!Ichigo (Ogichi) x Renji x Ichigo (♂×♂×♂)
Rating: YAOI |

Warnings: Passive threesome; Reversible!Renji (H!Ichigo ⇔ Renji + Renji ⇔ Ichigo)

Pages|Type: 26 (b/w) ; DOUJINSHI
Date of 1st publication: 11/02/2007
Language: japanese

Samples: [卍解] ; {卍解} [BANKAI]
Download: n/a

Market Status → OOP

|| Comment ||

『Contains ADULT content.』

Renji (in his usual gigai) spends some time with Ichigo at his place, when the substitute shinigami asks the 6th division's vice-captain to have sex.
The red-head refuses, and Ichigo falls suddenly asleep....only to wake up in his inner world, confronted with his grinning inner hollow.
In the meanwhile Renji gets suspicious of Ichigo's state, and tries to check him when he's "assaulted" by Ogichi (H!Ichigo that has gained full control of Ichigo's body now).
Without hesitation Ogichi seperates Renji form his gigai, taking the lead role -topping him.
Ichigo in the meantime is watching how Ogichi is enjoying himself and gets jelaous and kind of frustrated/irritated by the whole scene.
But Ogichi has another plan...and switches places in the middle of their that Ichigo is know penetrating rather awkwardly the other higly aroused shinigami. Not really knowing how to act (seems that he's used to be bottom), Renji has to switch positions with him. Know topping the other, it doesn't take too long to get them both to their climax again.
After having sex, Ichigo finds himself again in his inner world, whereat Ogichi now is sitting again on top of Renji with his typical suspicious grin.
Going for another round?

TOP and popular bleach artist with an anime-like drawing style. Definitely a recommendation.

「Please don't share nor hotlink these samples outside of this community without prior permission - thank you.」


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