attn: idiots

Jul 25, 2005 08:23

holy shit, i seriously hate everyone alive except like 10 people. and that's being generous. you've just gotta sit back sometimes and wonder if these fucking morons even think about what they're saying before it comes out of their mouths. directed at no-one in particular:

-if you don't like whores in your precious hardcore scene, don't keep fucking them. they will go away when you take away their reason to live.
-a girl is not a slut simply for the reason she won't fuck you, and she will fuck someone else.
-no one is obligated to go to EVERY single local/interstate/international hardcore show. that's right, you can still be 'd0wn 4 da c0re' without having to go see bands you don't like at all. good for you if you want to, but this is not school, there will be no roll call, you will not get a detention for not attending.
-the endless competitiveness to hear/own everything before everyone else is the stupidest thing in hardcore next to paying $2000 for a chung king. holy shit.

i hate everything.

ps: i just won both count it out 12"s on ebay for $7. holy shit best bargain ever
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