Feb 07, 2011 14:03
I'm about to make up the lesson for Children's church this sunday and it is on baptism again, though the memory verse will remain the same for the week I'm planning a new verse to do the lesson on... in my research I found this:
Luke 12:49- 53
I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished! Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. for from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against thater, mother against daughter and daughter agains mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.
WOW.. Jesus is known by many as the prince of peace.. and I have always believed (and still do) that that is exactly what he is.. the prince of peace... he teaches us a method of living in peace with each other, but the only way that it would truelly work is if EVERYONE beleived in his method.. and since they don't he brings division!
I love this! Not that I don't want peace as much as anyone else, but because it is a VERY true thing to say... Jesus didn't bring peace, he brought division.. our goal is and always will be to help as many people as possible to come into relationship with Jesus Christ, but in the mean time, and even after bringing some into that relationship we have to expect and be ready for the adverse things that will come to us, the people who will argue against us, the weapons formed against us (Isiah 54:17) (side note, I totally just remembered that without looking it up!!! of course I DID double check after writing the reference down to be sure)... And God has prepared us, or at least given us the tools of his trade so that we wont be defeated by either the enemy or those who just don't know any better.
I find it extremely interesting that the verses that I wrote out above mention very close knit family members, the father and son, the mother and daughter, and the mother in law and daughter in law, though the last one is well known to be a strained relationship.
I've heard the stories of so many christians whose parents or children don't beleive, and the relationship is strained because of it, is that reason to give up and stop fighting? NO... I mean be civil with each other, don't hurt feelings for the fun of it, but keep pressing on, pray, build up one another and fight that fight to win the hearts of those you love to God.
some times as a christian I find myself surrounded by people who already believe, and I'm no evangelist so I don't walk outside thinking "who can I tell about Jesus today?" but maybe I should. I really think that I need to stretch beyond myself, my family and my friends to reach people that don't know... or maybe that know but are confused about the facts.
I DO have one particular member of my family, slightly distant from myself, that I should deffinetely be reaching out to, but I feel as if making waves in this boat will not only toss some people over the edge, but hurt others... I am going to spend some much needed time in prayer to attempt to reach this person, and to find new ways of presenting the truth to her.
thank you Jesus for a verse for every day, a fullfillment for every need!
luke 12:50,
luke 12:52,
luke 12:49,
luke 12:53,
luke 12:51