Aug 15, 2006 05:32
I've got nothing better to do at this point than to talk about myself. I just discovered you can add the schools you went to as part of your account. Old news I'm sure to most of you. It was interesting scanning through the user names but I found no one I knew, except Micha, who I'm already aware of. I was hesitant to list my college since Macalester was sort of a fever dream to me. I did indeed spend 4 years there but I left little impression on the school and it left little on me. A dose of Midwestern decency and politeness did not rub off on me. I haven't kept in touch with the the few good friends I had there. I also never understood or liked cheese curds. Both the Vikings and the Twins didn't amount to much while I was there and could never supplant my home teams. One of the few sharp memories I have of Mac was anxiously wondering through graduation whether I'd actually get a diploma instead of the dreaded blank sheet of paper. Good times. I guess in order to develop the legend of one's College years you need fellow alumni to bounce stories off of, back and forth with embellishments, until they become legend. If let in a vacuum they fade. Perhaps that's the purpose of Reunions, to periodically prod the memory, and the wallet.
Returning to the exchange of stories, turning reality into legend, I'm reminded of the early days of BC when it was stocked with two types: U of R Alumni and the Damned. I say the Damned because if you were not a Yellow jacket or Dandelion head you were condemned to hours upon hours of in jokes, Garbage plates, ghetto Wegmans, tales of poor housekeeping, shower beer, and role-playing stories. I can honestly say that at one point through a Manchurian Candidate-esque process I felt I was an Alum. Fortunately BC has become more heterogeneous with new arrivals, SOs, and departures.
Yet with that loss of homogeneity could there also be a loss in the drive or purpose of the group? Or am I assigning too many qualities to a mass e-mail group? Or is my sleep deprived mind wandering? What can I say? Frequent postings lead to chaos.