(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 04:34

how one year can change so many things.
this time last year i was probably awake bc i was hangin out and watching my friends smoke a lot of pot ...
and now im ordering beer mugs for my little brother.
im not sure whcih is better tho.

its weird bc today i talked to Amo, and im very happy to say that shes coming into town
on monday and we're goinbg to do our meal plan thing like we used to every day last year. =)
then just about 5 mins ago i read a journal entry of a close friend of mine from last year.
yea too bad i cant hang out with them bc one of them has a psycho bitch ex girlfriend that hates me even though shes never met me,
so it's a damn shame that some ppl choose significant others over friends. (friends that werre thetre for them all of last year when the psycho bitch was being a psycho bitch)
w/e obviously some ppl make life decisions that arent always the best, and that is probably why i am buying beer mugs for my little brother instead of hanging out with my friedns from last year. but im happy witht hat.
speaking of significant others, the comparison from last year's at this time and this years is ridiculoulsy the opposite...
wow nuni was in UF, and i had actually given somthing up for Lent.
one year doesnt feel like a whole lot...but it sure is....
alright img oing to sleep bfore i keep ramblign.

"stay classy UCF"
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