Mom's Vacation, so far.

Aug 04, 2005 23:06

My parents left Dallas, Oregon at 5:00 this morning for a two week vacation in Sturgess, ND. Mom called me around 7:20 and said, "Don't talk, I'm on roaming. Just listen." She then relayed the following story:

In Portland, Dad took the wrong exit onto I-84 and ended up in downtown during rush hour while Ed took the correct exit and was heading east, so Dad had to turn around in rush hour downtown portland towing a 24 foot trailer, he's doing 70 mph weaving through traffic to catch up, Ed calls from a rest stop, Dad meets him there, Mom goes in the trialer to find that throughout Dad's driving the freezer door flew open and everything was all over the trailer, ice cubes melting everywhere, etc. They get that fixed and get to Hermiston to get gas, can't find a gas station, finally do after Ed asks a hobo for directions. In Spokane, WA Ed gets gas, and Dad gets out to check the trailer and notices one tire is completely flat and ruined. so Dad has to find a Les Schwab tire place to change the tire. While there, Ed gets stung by a bee and Mom has to use Dad's bee sting kit. So then they decide to stop at this camp ground in Idaho, and they debate and debate and decide to spend the 25 bucks to camp so they can have elctricity and run the A/C. Well, they're there for five minutes when the electricity goes out. So they end up packing up, getting their money back, and taking off down the road only to find out that the interstate is closed because of, like, 20 fucking forrest fires. So now they're stuck at a truck stop in 95 degree heat with no electicity.
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