The first review has popped up for Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, and I'm happy to say that my story and the anthology as a whole have both been
very well received. Every story is reviewed, so this will also give you an idea of the anthology's overall flavor. Here is the money line for the review of my story: "I must confess to never having read Alice in Wonderland and now I think that if I do I will find it dull by comparison with this romp through a most unusual Wonderland."
Woot! I couldn't ask for a kinder review, but I do want to offer one slight correction. The reviewer notes that Trent Zelazny's story is the first one that takes place in third person. Trent's story appears right mine in the anthology, and my story is most definitely in third person. A harmless enough mistake, but since this observation impacts my story and I'm not taking issue with any of the reviewer's opinions, I think it's fine to make note of this.