May 30, 2006 15:08
I just got back from seeing X-men:The Last Stand. During the first half of the movie, my thoughts were "Well, this isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be"...Then the 2nd half started. I wouldn't review it quite as harshly as some of the "professionals" out there. I don't think director Brett Ratner ruined the X-men. I think he worked with the script he was given and did what he could. The problem here definitely was the script. The first 2 X-men movies showed that you can have big budget action movies that can be emotional and have characters that the audience will care about. This one set up a great premise, but it wasn't executed properly. I think if there were maybe 10 minutes or so of more character development or specific reactions to how the cure would affect each mutant, the emotional stakes of the overblown, drawn out finale would have had much more impact. It was frustrating to me, because like I said, the premise was there, but it just didn't go anywhere. And I think the little 10 second clip after the credits was ridiculous and unnecessary. Blah. This is definitely not a movie I will ever watch again.
I thought The Da Vinci Code was better than I was expecting it to be. Of course it lost a ton from the book, but that was to be expected. It's also not a movie I would want to see again, but I feel that they did the best job possible adapting the book. The end was changed slightly and I feel this was one of the few cases where the movie improved upon something in the book that was changed. I will go see Angels and Demons whenever that's released also.