Interviews galore

Jun 13, 2003 21:29

1. What did you enjoy the most about your birthday, what did you wish you could have enjoyed on your birthday?

I enjoyed people saying happy birthday to me. That was really unexpected.

2. What do you feel is the greatest political lie perpetuated these days?

Tie. Fist that people and there opinions have an effect on politicians. They don't, lawmakers vote there party line or there ideological line. We have come to a place where the chances of people having changes in heart is near nonexistent.

The second is that Hussein was a threat to the United States. The Republican leadership is still clinging to this idea. Everyone who had and has real knowledge of the situation, other then the Republican leadership, has acknowledge this. Al-Qeada operatives who we have captured have said that Osama bin Laden personally vetoed any plans for the group to work with Hussein.

2. What do you hate and love the most about yourself?

I have always disliked (hate is too strong a word) the fact that I have am abnormally high level of testosterone. This has caused me many more problems then it has solved.

I have always liked (love is too strong a word) my ability to anticipate other people's actions. I can have the ability to look into someone's eyes and watch the motions of there body and I can usually determine what they are going to do.

4. Why did you decide to come to drewuniversity?

I really loved the campus it was by far the prettiest of the campuses I visited. I really enjoyed the overnight trip I spent here. My guidance counsler said that it would be great for me. They offered me money. And I made a list of the good things and the bad of all of the schools and Drew won out.

5. What is your favorite type of pie and doughnut?

That is a really unfair question to ask me. After much deliberation I came to the inevitable conclusion that my favorites are Apple Pie and the Boston Cream Doughnut.

1) I've noticed deficiencies in your spelling in LiveJournal posts. Are you aware of this? Why aren't you using a spell checker?

I have but only recently. It is largely due to my speed in which I type and then either forgetting to check the spell checker. But before that I lost many a post to a spell checker error and for awhile stopped checking the spellchecker out of frustration.

2) If you could spend a week road tripping with a Hollywood celebrity that you're attracted to, who would it be and why?

When I was a freshman in high school I met Milla Jovovich and had a huge crush on her for a long time. I would definitely choose her. (my at the time best friend's mom is the vice president of a milla's modeling company. I got an autographed head shot from her.)

3) If you were in a position to do so, what would be the general steps you would use to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian situation?

I would remove Arafat from the equation completely. I would orchestrate a direct aid campaign of giving supplies for nation building for the Palestinians. The aid would be tied to how far they went with the peace plan in the time limit.

4) Why did you go to Drew instead of Yale?

I was already going to Drew when I got accepted to Yale. I only applied because my mom went there and I figured that I could tell people I got into yale.

5) If you could no longer listen to the music of one of your top 3 favorite bands (which you must enumerate), which one would it be?

Current Favorite bands
1. Cold
2. a perfect circle
3. Foo Fighters

I would probably choose a perfect circle since I have to live without them while Maynard does work with his other band, Tool. I however really like Tool as well.


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