I like my women like I like my my quarks, I doubt I can be more specific then that.
Hey remember that list of Republicans in trouble for sex scandals, well time to add another one in leader of Craigpac, Craig Schelske.
He is being divorced from Country Music Star Sara Evans. In her divorce filing found
here (warning pdf), she talks about how her husband verbally abused her, had several affairs, and showed porn to their children.(Who are 2,4 and 7)
According to the document filed in court, Schelske allegedly has on his computer at least 100 photographs of himself posing with his erect penis. There are several photographs of him having sex with other women, the filings stated.
"On his computers, husband maintains `Craigs Lists.' Many of them involve requests for three party sex and anal sex. "
His oppenent is the awesome Scott Kleeb who is a real life cowboy.