
Jul 11, 2010 09:00

Today's twitterings!

  • 10:00 I'm nearly at 12000 tweets, do i spend too much time on here ;) Thinking of something to celebrate if I don't rabbit on past the milesone!
  • 10:04 phew, after screaming at the start of Something Special, @Sutekhbaby was much happier at the goodbye song. Said "byebye Justin" for 1st time
  • 16:26 Am trapped!
  • 16:28 Kitty has come to join in the snooze
  • 20:17 hmm, phone calls with my mum now seem to consist of a) a story of someone else's grandchild who's a genius & b)how she's wasting my time
  • 20:18 meaning that a)her grandchild isn't a genius so why not, and b) in her head I'm always too busy to listen to her chat when I'm actually not.
  • 23:05 I'm 9 tweets (well, 8 by the time I send this) away from 12000.
    I may have to do something to celebrate being such a chatterbox! :)
  • 08:14 Wishing a speedy time to @faceofboe doing her 1st Race for Life today!
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