
Jul 04, 2010 09:01

Today's twitterings!

  • 15:50 post exam relief! Edster woke us at 5.25, stomach still dodgy, finished the exam stuff at 1pm & pretty confident of at least a pass :)
  • 15:51 Belated thanks to every for the #ff mentions yesterday, if I'm not following you tweet at me so i know you're real :)
  • 16:07 how much tomato sauce can 1 child without a bib spill over himself?
  • 19:48 Let joy be unconfined, @The_Arn has cut the jungle back and several tropical species are looking for new home.
  • 19:48 and I have Ben & Jerry's for dinner!
  • 19:51 RT @HappyHippyMum: OMG!!!! single out on monday (The Raft feat LisaVonH- "He" ) AND had a BRILLIANT day in the studio today << 1st of many!
  • 20:39 i would like next door's teenager & his mate to find somewhere else to do loud BMX style things & not anywhere near our cars...
  • 20:48 o
    oh, a little bit of excitement in the #worldcup
  • 06:49 Lovely sight to greet me this morning!
  • 07:02 hmm, why won't the now&next banner disappear on cbeebies? Doesn't happen on other channels!
  • 07:04 Feeling nicely awake and human this morning, bluebottle on the window started buzzing after 5, Eddie didn't wake up until 6.15, bargain.
  • 07:06 New class starting today, glad I opted for a 1pm start instead of 10am, more time to tidy up beforehand!
  • 08:28 the view from my desk that isn't out the window...can @inspiredjen work wonders on me to declutter I wonder? :)
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