Apr 16, 2007 01:17
Well, I'm sitting here at my computer right now regretting going to sleep. I don't want tomorrow to show up.
I don't want Monday to come around because I know that I am going to get the call from my dad telling me that my grandad passed away. I still don't know how I'm going to take it, I mean, I've seen the colon cancer eat away at him slowly every time I go and visit him.
I saw him about 2-3 weeks ago and he seemed fine. Even better than he normally was. He was coherant, talked a lot, asked questions and paid attention to what we had to say. Other times it seemed like he just sat there while we watched TV. So I thought things were looking up for him.
I got a call on saturday morning from my dad and he told me that he went through some complications and now he is just sitting there on a morphine drip to take away the pain of the cancer. He also told me that they were already making plans for his funeral within the next week or so and how they were going to cremate him and stuff like that...They are that positive that he isn't going to make it to Monday.
This is going to be my first close relative that has died on me. I mean, I've had my Great Grandma die when I was 7 years old but I was too young to really know her that much. It's just going to be weird on me, and I don't know how I'm going to react to it at the funeral and such and how I'm going to handle it with final exams coming up and stuff.
I guess all I can do tonight is pray.
Pray that he will die without any pain.
Pray that my family and I will have the strength to get through this.
Pray that I learn a lesson about life from all of this, and to use that lesson to better myself.
I know people die all the time in this world, and you seem to get kind of numb to it until it happens to someone you know or someone you're related to, and that's how I feel right now, kind of numb.
I hope you guys will say a prayer for him tonight or wish him luck or whatever you want to do, but anything will be much appreciated.
I'm going to miss you grandad. <3