14th Persona

Sep 07, 2011 19:40

[action; town; morning]

[Welp, with Labor Day having passed by, today is now the official start of school. For Minato, this means he is now a senior! How sweet is that?

Only problem? His sleep schedule.

So now a certain sleepy-head protag is running with all his might. All he can think is thank god for Track Team. Hope you're not in his path.]

[action ( Read more... )

not a cross-dresser rly, a goddamn mess, sleepyhead, now he's a sempai, action, school, cosplay call, it's a trap!

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action; school inababanchou September 7 2011, 23:48:41 UTC
[ Guess who is sitting behind Minato? Again? This guy! He would have poked Minato or something but he was asleep all during morning classes. When Minato turns around, he'll see Souji just starting to unpack his lunch. It smells good. Souji pauses and watches Minato carefully. ]

... You want some?

[ Offers him a sandwich. ]


doudemoe September 7 2011, 23:58:30 UTC
Oh, no thanks. Minako-chan packed me a lunch.

[And he does take out his lunchbox.]


inababanchou September 8 2011, 00:00:40 UTC

[ He packed a few sandwiches, actually. Just in case he had to stave off a Minako or a Minato, but never the two of them together. Really four sandwiches were a pittance to their endless appetite. ]

You didn't miss much during class. I took notes if you're interested.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:13:52 UTC
[Souji wouldn't need to worry about the prospect of feeding two Arisatos, as Minako-chan doesn't attend school. She's an *~adult~*, remember?

Also, this totally doesn't feel awkward.]

Hnn....that's nice of you.


inababanchou September 8 2011, 00:16:38 UTC
[ One never knows where Souji's wayward heart takes him after school... He may even end up on the peak of Makeout Point, probably trying to talk to a fox or something. Also he is shrugging. ]

Nothing else to do with our time here.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:22:23 UTC


[He opens his lunch. It's quite obvious Minako made it, as there are cookies included.]


inababanchou September 8 2011, 00:30:06 UTC
[ He's digging into his own, stacking the four sandwiches on the corner of his desk. He sees his cookies from over Minato's shoulder. ]

Trade you a sandwich for some of those.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:32:21 UTC
[This look.]

No way.


inababanchou September 8 2011, 00:36:11 UTC
But I made these this morning.

[ Though they are saran-wrapped they look quite tantalizing! Upon closer inspection "just a sandwich" might not be "just a sandwich" after all! ]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:39:25 UTC
[Those sandwiches do look tempting. But...

They are no match for home-baked cookies.]


inababanchou September 8 2011, 00:50:12 UTC
[ That's why he's pining for them! And Minako made them. Seriously. He's been itching to give them a try. Regardless, he smirks briefly, then balances a sandwich on Minato's head. He'll begin eating himself. ]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:52:14 UTC
[ :|

Minato just takes the sandwich.

And eats it.]


inababanchou September 8 2011, 01:04:50 UTC
[ He's looking a little pleased, just sitting in his seat and smiling as Minato eats his sandwich. It is like winning a pointless argument, he surmises. ]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 01:24:08 UTC
[Except he still doesn't hand over the cookies. Too bad.]


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