14th Persona

Sep 07, 2011 19:40

[action; town; morning]

[Welp, with Labor Day having passed by, today is now the official start of school. For Minato, this means he is now a senior! How sweet is that?

Only problem? His sleep schedule.

So now a certain sleepy-head protag is running with all his might. All he can think is thank god for Track Team. Hope you're not in his path.]

[action ( Read more... )

not a cross-dresser rly, a goddamn mess, sleepyhead, now he's a sempai, action, school, cosplay call, it's a trap!

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morning backinblackcity September 7 2011, 23:46:27 UTC
[Hilda's never been a morning person, and summer vacation didn't encourage a proper sleep schedule. So she'll be running along, too, with all her months-spent-on-the-road-endurance. There is Cinccino perched on her head, which is really just like a big chinchilla with a few more tails than usual.]

Are you not used to this sort of thing either?


doudemoe September 7 2011, 23:51:21 UTC
[Running alongside another student to school, this really feels like spring, except.]

This feels totally out of season.


backinblackcity September 7 2011, 23:53:02 UTC
When does school start for you?

[Hilda being from not!America and all.]


doudemoe September 7 2011, 23:59:50 UTC
Back home, April.


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:01:14 UTC
It started in September where I'm from, but kids my age don't go to school, so...

[She is pretty sure she will never get used to having to get up so early.]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:08:08 UTC
Eh? No way!

[Look at girl. She seems about his age.]


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:10:50 UTC
Well, if you're studying for something you stay in school, but Pokemon trainers go on journeys instead.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:18:04 UTC
Oh. I don't think we've met yet. I'm Minato.


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:19:27 UTC
I'm Hilda! It's nice to meet you.

[Even if it's running to school.]

I think I'm in twelfth grade now? That's what the schedule I got in the mail said, anyway.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:24:45 UTC
Yeah, me too.

[It's kind of nice, running to school with a girl his age. Makes a man forget that this ordinary scenery isn't exactly ordinary.]


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:33:51 UTC
[Yeah, it's definitely better than running on her own.]

Hey, cool, maybe we'll have some classes together.


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:36:52 UTC
Maybe. Too bad they don't teach Pokemon.


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:38:13 UTC
[Hilda laughs.]

I'd be better at that class than some of these. I think I got caught up last school year, at least.

[...Wow, has she really been here a whole summer...]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:46:27 UTC
[It's hard to believe. But now, he could say he's lived in Mayfield longer than in Port Island...that's a scary thought.]

That's good. Maybe you could sleep through some classes.


backinblackcity September 8 2011, 00:52:31 UTC
I guess grades don't really matter here, but I can still remember my mom yelling at me for bringing home a bad report card.

[She laughs a bit.]


doudemoe September 8 2011, 00:57:52 UTC
[He laughs a bit too.]

[Are they near the school yet?]


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