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action; park; oh god brace your inbox 1/4 riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 05:51:48 UTC
[Lancer was just minding his own business. Really. He spent quite a bit of time in the park, mainly because more often than not he could find a tree to jump into and be relatively alone.]


2/4 riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 05:53:04 UTC
[...So that was the last name he ever expected to hear out of absolutely nowhere.]


3/4 riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 05:56:45 UTC
[Never mind that Scathach was the one person living or dead that Lancer had ever looked up to and admired.]

[That didn't change the fact that the mere mention of her name could be enough to send a cold chill of dread down the Hound of Ulster's spine. Her training had been beyond hell, enough to make even demons cry and beg for mercy.]

[And while Lancer had fond memories of his teacher, he had just as many that led him to think that hearing her name meant he was about to get his ass kicked.]


DONE, I WISH I WAS SORRY riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 06:00:56 UTC
[And she was right over there holy shit what]

[Lancer had never inscribed a speed-enhancing rune on the ground so quickly in his life, and the speed at which he bolted into the nearest tree was damn near the same level of agility he'd had as a Servant.]

[Cursing vividly under his breath in ancient Irish Gaelic the whole time and wondering just how badly he was about to get his ass handed to him, Lancer hadn't even noticed Minato there at all.]


/punches doudemoe June 24 2011, 15:21:17 UTC
[Luckily for Lancer, Scathach disappears just as quickly as she was summoned. Minato places a hand on his head, looking a bit worn but pleased at his new Persona's work. He'd never used Mabufudyne against anything but groups of Shadows before, so he hadn't expected the landscape to transform into this.

Minato, likewise, has not noticed Lancer, his mind still fuzzy from using the Evoker for the first time in months.]


ow my face riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 15:27:52 UTC

[He wasn't getting curbstomped. This was arguably a new experience regarding Scathach. After a minute or two, Lancer risked dropping down out of the tree and looking around.]

...Hey, kid. Did you see a woman around here just now? Where'd she go?


doudemoe June 24 2011, 15:57:12 UTC
[He'll find that the surrounding trees, rocks, and grass have been frozen. Minato is kind of surprised, almost showing on his face.]

Eh? Lancer-san?


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 15:59:46 UTC
Yeah, I-...?!

[OH HOLY SHIT ICE EVERYWHERE. Lancer stumbled for a moment or two, bracing his hand against the tree to stop from falling.]

--I thought I saw someone I used to know.

[You can't play it cool after flailing like an idiot, Lancer. Don't try.]


doudemoe June 24 2011, 16:30:04 UTC
Careful! This whole area is frozen.

[Though with it being summer, it shouldn't take long for it to thaw out. Someone he knew though? He must have been talking about--]

Oh, who would that be?


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 16:34:20 UTC
Yeah, I kind of noticed that.

[Scowling faintly, he traced a rune in the air--with a small amount of magical energy, it wouldn't result in the usual conflagration. There was a small, momentary flash of fire, melting the ice around where Lancer was standing.]

[Would it count as wasting magical energy if it went towards not making him fall over and look stupid? Hard to say, really.]

...Just someone I knew a long time ago. She still around?


doudemoe June 24 2011, 17:03:54 UTC
[...That's a neat trick. Don't mind if he keeps his distance from it. He'd rather not get knocked on his ass too (again).]

Hnn, no. She's disappeared.


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 17:04:47 UTC
You didn't see where she went, did you?


doudemoe June 24 2011, 18:26:24 UTC
[In his head. How to answer that? Even though he's become somewhat relaxed regarding keeping the Personae a secret, it's still ingrained into him to do so when people come close to finding out.]

I don't know.


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 19:44:02 UTC
..great. If she's running around Mayfield, I need to find her. Before she finds me and hits me with a surprise attack.


doudemoe June 24 2011, 22:40:26 UTC
Sounds like you two share quite a history.

[And by history he probably means abuse.]


riastrad_ridire June 24 2011, 22:41:09 UTC
She was...kind of my teacher.

[y e p.]


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