8th Persona

May 27, 2011 11:59

[Action for housemates]

[Minato has mostly been quiet, listening in on the other's phone calls. For the most part, most of them confirmed his rationale about something seeming fishy.

Like everyone else, Minato also received a letter, along with photos and references of his target, complete with promises of his desire and threats of what would happen should he fail to comply. Of course, all this does succeed in is angering him (which didn't happen often), since there's so much that's wrong here. For one, he doesn't remember a twenty-sixth question being on the census, and he sure as hell wouldn't have answered "yes" to that. Also, after that stunt Lucy pulled on them in April, he's convinced no one running the town intended for them to leave, ever. On top of that, the letter stated that he was being targeted as well, and didn't tell him who. Which didn't strike him as a fair deal.

The Evoker vanishing was also a worry, but as he had no Personae anyway he figured it didn't matter. He'd just have his weapons to rely on, as well as his friends. Speaking of which, he needed to contact them about this.]

[Phone - filtered to Persona castmates, and Shana]

Did anyone else receive a letter?

[Compared to his previous phone calls, Minato's voice sounds...firm, and determined.]

[Phone - open]

A couple friends of mine are teaming up to protect anyone who can't defend themselves against anyone targeting them. If you can't fight, please let us know.

In the meantime, stay safe. Don't wander around alone, and make sure not to let anyone but friends in the house.

And to our captors....sorry, but I have no intention on following orders.

:| forever, not a happy camper, white knight brigade, event: spring cleaning, dammit mayfield

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