*tap* *tap* Is this thing on?

Jul 07, 2009 13:51

I'm making an attempt to be more active here again, mostly because of some ideas buzzing around my head that I'd like to post about (mostly of a technical nature, so tune out if that's not what you're into, of course), and partly because there are some people who I regret having lost-touch with.

I'm going to avoid the temptation to treat this like a religion.  That's what sort of drove me away in the first place - the perception of an obligation to keep up with everyone else, if I expected them to read my drivel in return.  If I keep-up with people on here, cool.  But if I don't, then there's always face time (hey, remember that?).  I don't even know if half the people on my friendslist still actively use this, or have since moved on to the next flavor-of-the-day in social networking.  I'm still resisting the Facebook craze - one social neworking site is hard enough to manage.  I live vicariously through Jess' Facebook...

Definitely not posting personal stuff on here.  Not this time around.  I mean, I want to actually have a career. ;-)  No, really, I would post that stuff non-public anyhow.  But if I want to talk personal stuff, I've got a wife and a close circle of friends for that nowadays.  I figure the best policy is to keep personal stuff to people who I see in-person.  Call it a scalability limitation if you like.

So let's see how it goes...

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