Title: Light of My Life
Pairing: ShigexUnknown (you decide)
Warnings: Angst
Rating: G
Note: I was trying to write my Ryo/Shige AU, but I was stuck, so I was reading SuJu fic, and in the middle of a totally fluffy and amazingly happy Ryeowook/Henry fic, I had the urge to write some Shige-angst. WHY?!
Summary: Shige's light is gone. So why are the lights still on?
The lights were on. All the lights in the house were on. The light seeped through the cracks of Shige's arms and legs, despite how hard he was trying to curl into himself, head tucked in and limbs pulled as close as he could get them. He squeezed his eyes shut so hard that he could barely breathe for how much it hurt his sinuses, but a pale redness was all that lay behind his eyelids.
The lights were on. He wanted them off. He wanted all the lights in every building of every country to turn off, a worldwide blackout. He wanted the sun to die out and all the other stars in the universe to stop shining. He wanted darkness, thick and impenetrable and enveloping. Sweet, comforting darkness.
But the lights were on. And the sun was shining, merrily peeking through the edges of his thick blue curtains, taunting and smug. See, Shige, how the world smiles at your pain? It's such a wonderful day in your wonderful life, isn't it? See how I shine for you?
He felt the panic creeping up his spine, grabbing a hold of his lungs and heart, and with a cry he bolted from the floor of the living room into ice cold bedroom, where the AC was left on for the last two days. He flipped the light switch off, slamming his hand to the wall with great force.
The light from outside wasn't as bright in the bedroom. But there were other, more painful lights shining from the dresser. From the merry color prints on beside table. From the elegantly framed black and white's on the wall. Those lights hurt his eyes the most. The only lights in the universe that mattered, and they were gone.
His smile. His eyes. His laughter.
Sudden anger fell on him, burning behind his eyes, in his ribcage, scorching him from the inside out. He grabbed the 4x6 on the dresser and heaved it at the opposite wall. It contacted and fell with a loud bang, but the glass remained intact.
"Why won't you break?!" Shige cried out feebly, voice hoarse. "Break!" He stumbled over and picked it up, slamming it back down on the floor. "Break!" He fell back against the wall, not caring or even noticing the ache in his head from the action. "Break," he continued, lifting the frame again and weakly bringing it down. With all of the strength he could muster he threw it one last time. It made it halfway across the room and slid until it hit the leg of the nightstand.
The glass didn't break.