Decided to post an updated resources list here. It's continually updated, etc. etc.
I made this list way back when I first started making icons and have been adding to it since. Therefore, chances are I still don't use a lot of the textures/brushes I did back then but, I don't want to take anyone off the list and risk not crediting them for something I am using. However, the resources near the bottom of a list are more recent.
icon_textures icongradientsdetoxcocktails colortone firithel_icons i_consent gender myrasis fuzzy sheld0n hylin awmp adoralyna lovelamp cool_rush _excentric_ Brushes:
_joniicon_maiden gender _blisse meleada any_otherday rough_draft___ whitetomb erendisblack iconistas ingenu0us _tiesthatbind animavuoto_ luthien_black vodkaandirony my_wonderful colortone iroka sheld0n darkangel_alonecici_chan inxsomniax fluffy_monster miggy amethystia stillbeautiful tsukicon unmasked_icons digitalstar04 strawberries007 Tutorials:
_chokeanddietwistedlaletz Pictures:
Freeze Frame(Buffy/Angel)Screencap ParadiseVeronica/LoganCharming GalleryGale Harold GallerySMG GalleryAdam Pascal GalleryRosario Dawson NetIn A Dream Caps When I'm looking for a gallery for a specific actor/actress/tv show, etc. I go to
Elite Fan Pages and I can usually find a fan site with a gallery for what I'm looking for.
And when I'm using downloaded caps from zip files, etc. I most likely have directly credited the source in the according icon post.