DPD -- a look into MY mind

Mar 15, 2005 23:33

Basic Belief: I am helpless. Strategy: Attachment Representation of self as powerless and ineffectual; belief that others are powerful and in control Here are the typical beliefs that they have listed for Dependent Personality Disorder:

I am needy and weak.
I need somebody around available at all times to help me carry out what I need to do or in case something bad happens.
My helper can be nurturant, supportive, and confident-if he or she wants to be.
I am helpless when I am left on my own.
I am basically alone-unless I can attach myself to a stronger person.
The worst possible thing would be to be abandoned.
I must do nothing to offend my supporter or helper.
I must be subservient in order to maintain his or her good will.
I need others to help me make decisions or tell me what to do.
I must maintain access to him or her at all times.
I should cultivate as intimate a relationship as possible.
I can't make decisions on my own.
I can't cope as other people can.
I need others to help me make decisions or tell me what to do.

High Neuroticism
Chronic negative affects, including anxiety, fearfulness, tension, irritability, anger, dejection, hopelessness, guilt, shame; difficulty in inhibiting impulses: for example, to eat, drink, or spend money; irrational beliefs: for example, unrealistic expectations, perfectionistic demands on self, unwarranted pessimism; unfounded somatic concerns; helplessness and dependence on others for emotional support and decision making.
Low Extraversion
Social isolation, interpersonal detachment, and lack of support networks; flattened affect; lack of joy and zest for life; reluctance to assert self or assume leadership roles, even when qualified; social inhibition and shyness.
Low Openness
Difficulty adapting to social or personal change; low tolerance or understanding of different points of view or lifestyles; emotional blandness and inability to understand and verbalize own feelings; alexythymia; constricted range of interests; insensitivity to art and beauty; excessive conformity to authority.
High Agreeableness
Gullibility: indiscriminate trust of others; excessive candor and generosity, to detriment of self-interest; inability to stand up to others and fight back; easily taken advantage of.
High Conscientiousness
Overachievement: workaholic absorption in job or cause to the exclusion of family, social, and personal interests; compulsiveness, including excessive cleanliness, tidiness, and attention to detail; rigid self-discipline and an inability to set tasks aside and relax; lack of spontaneity; overscrupulousness in moral behavior.
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