Home stretch.

Jan 11, 2013 13:54

Trouble sleeping, and The Return of Zero Lung Capacity, has rendered me fairly useless, which is enraging. Trying to do chores/errands in short spurts, interspersed with lots of lie-downs and sit-downs. V. frustrating not to be able to do more, esp. since there's so much that wants doing. Spending this much time 'idling' might be pleasant, but hoo lordie does the guilt pile on after about the third nap of the day!

First hypnobirthing class last night. A bit difficult for me (self-hypnosis is something I believe in but which has never come easily to me), but I think it will be helpful. Deep breathing/centering is apparently mega-popular with the Gribble--as soon as I found my rhythm, she started having a field day in there! Of course, classes are in the evening, when she's usually more active, but this was a step above. Apparently, relaxing the uterus gives her a feeling of 'more space', and the increased oxygen saturation can help make her more energetic.

Feeling very close to/dependent on David these past few days; more willing to surrender control to him, take orders, let him take over "my" jobs (which I usually jealously guard)...suddenly, our roles have changed somewhat and I'm not sure how that happened--we certainly hadn't planned it...hormones, perhaps?--but I definitely think it's in preparation for what lies ahead. Also finding it easier to make what I would normally consider to be 'selfish' requests...like buying things when they're not on sale, ordering dessert when we eat out...and asking David if he'd be willing to bring the porch swing inside for the Big Day (it is my favorite place to relax, and I was rather put out to realize that it might be too cold to labor outside on it). I thought he'd laugh at me, but his only thought was that he wasn't sure it'd fit through the door. We'll have to measure.

This morning was very icy and cold; apparently there was snow up north. I hope there hasn't been a lot, as we're planning on driving up to Shoreline to pick up Miss Grib's secondhand crib/mattress, pack n' play, bottle warmer, umbrella stroller, etc. from Jolie tomorrow. Two baby showers coming up.

Feels like the whole of my life/David's life is revolving around baby right now. It's going to be Really Weird when she finally arrives. We've been planning/prepping for so long....but I'm a little apprehensive of that 'it's all over, why is the Earth still spinning?' feeling. I am anticipating at least a few days of 'Holy shit, now what?"...hopefully not too many. :) Thankfully, I've got a support network that seems more than happy to give a few days of their lives over to revolving around us/baby/world still spinning. Oddly, one of the things I'm most glad of right now is that we had a wedding before we're having the baby...not because 'she'll be born in wedlock' but more of 'at least we've had practice having the world revolve around us for a day (which is freaking weird), and I now know that people won't hate us if it doesn't Go Perfectly As Planned, and when it doesn't Go Perfectly As Planned, our peeps are pretty adept at handling the whoopsies, so it Really Will Be Okay To Let Go And Accept Their Help'. Important but very difficult lessons for me. :)
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