Dec 17, 2012 19:19
The coffer walls are out! All that remains is some small touch-up, the inspection, anything the inspector requests, and to give the nice contractors another 3k or so. IT LOOKS SO DIFFERENT. IT IS AMAZING. IT IS A DIFFERENT HOUSE. I LOVES IT PRECIOUS.
Curt and Petra came by on Saturday and helped David move the wire for the range and me clear out and tidy the library so it can be used as a guest room. They were here until past 3 AM and had to drive home (40 mins) because their cat recently had surgery and needed another dose of morphine. We owe them BIG TIME. Like, owe them a kidney big time. We loves them, precious.
Sunday, David and I got an understandably late start. I got some cleaning done and wrapped some presents. Then we went shopping for recessed can lights. It. Took. Forever. Then he worked on moving the light switches that had been in the fireplace wall to the other walls, while I helped intermittently and organized tools and put the ceiling fan back together and ran dishes and laundry in between. We were SO proud of ourselves at 9 PM, when the second switch WORKED! HAHA!...then realized that the first light switch we'd moved, plus the lights in the bathroom and two of the downstairs bedrooms no longer worked. Weird wiring; we'd severed a line we thought wasn't needed and it totally was. Boo. David and Greg are working on fixing that tonight.
The house is an unmitigated disaster. There are boxes and insulation dust and chunks of drywall everywhere. I'm still sick (not digging this whole pregnancy-lowers-your-immune-system thing) but David is on the mend at least. I'm exhausted and crabby, which is not a good combination with a big long Honey-Do list and a close deadline.
Christmas won't be what I had dreamed of (again) BUT since I've been actively working on reducing stress (bad for baby) I'm surprised at how little I'm freaking out about that. We'll see how long I can keep it up...