Jack thinks about this one with a shake of his head and a glance at a photo that for the longest time he would disavow even having in his wallet. Not that anyone would even look for it behind the donor card and all.
He smirks at the idea of him having that card and then turns his attention back to the photo, his fingers itching to trace the features frozen in time.
The imagery was the number one example of this week’s topic.
It was a photo of Sydney’s first birthday and he and Laura Irina were flanking the tiny girl and it had taken Jack the longest time to realize that while she had the smile on her face, his wife had no smile in her eyes.
Did we ever make you truly happy?
He knows from example the way that her lips could form the words that her voice would twist the meaning of. He knows how she can breathe and kill with a thought.
There were so many examples of disappointment or disillusionment that he has at his fingertips, but this was the only one that still rankled all these number of years later.
Character: Jack Bristow
Fandom: Alias
Word Count: 214