(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 19:02

god ok don't read this if you don't like political rants.

this is why i don't get along with my mom's side of the family.

Alright, I voted for Obama. I know you're conservatives, I know you think he's the devil, fine, I expect to get attacked. But don't you for one fucking minute tell me that I'm pro-abortion because I voted for him. IT'S NOT FUCKING PRO-ABORTION. I'm AGAINST abortion. The only times I think it should be done is when the mother's life is at stake as well - why lose two lives when you can save one?

But you know what I do support? Choice. Who the hell am I to tell you what to do with your life and your body? This is why I think the term "pro-life" is bullshit. I'm pro-choice, not pro-death. And you know what pro-life is? It's anti-abortion, so fucking change it to that. There's a difference.

I don't fucking support infanticide which apparently you think voting for Obama means. If you think you're justified in choosing and dictating what a person privately does with his or her life or his or her body, good for you. But you know what?

I think you're a jackass.

politics, family

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