
Dec 22, 2008 23:20

Days 6 and 7:

I finished Christmas shopping for friends. I hung out with Sarah and Aleks. And I got a clean bill of health from the doctors.


Right, usual warning. If religious or politics stuff gets you heated or pisses you off and you feel like starting a fight, don't read.

I HAVE A QUESTION I WANT DIFFERENT EDUCATED OPINIONS ON and if you guys know someone who studies the bible or something or is a religious leader, asking them this and relaying their answer to me would be great cause I want different opinions on this.

Ok, so most of you, specifically those who have known me for a long time, know that I'm a Christian and that I believe in God and all that lovely stuff. A lot of my political opinions and stuff are based off of what the Bible says and what I believe, and, big shocker, I'm not a crazy conservative.

Before this year, I never really personally formed a solid opinion on the issue of gay marriage. I have gay friends and am totally cool with that - it doesn't make them less special or more special than me. We're just equals.

I've heard, just like everyone else, that the Bible defines marriage between one man and one woman, and have heard all of the whole "being gay is wrong" stuff, but only recently have I decided that yeah I need a solid opinion on this since I'll probably be arguing about it a lot, and I want to form an opinion based on the facts I know from my beliefs as well as my opinions. I don't want to be one of those people who is just GOD SAYS IT'S WRONG or one of those people who thinks that those who disagree with gay marriage are horrible bigots.

So, what did I do to find stuff? What else?

I google'd it.

I found this and find it to be a really helpful answer on a straightforward approach of what the Bible says about marriage. I pretty much knew that already, but it was nice to get it down on paper, essentially.

Then I also went and researched this darling book. In the book of Leviticus is where you'll find all those crazy rules about wearing certain clothes and eating certain things and having to have your hair in a certain way, etc. All those crazy things that say is a horrible sin to disregard, but even high church leaders disregard a lot of them.

You'll notice that the main, straightforward, short answer in that yahoo article is from Leviticus. You also might find it interesting that the majority of the people who argue against gay people and gay marriage end up quoting Leviticus quite often.

So the question I raise, and this is an honest question, not a rhetorical pretentious one, is why do church leaders and people who have studied God's word say that we should follow God's law by not allowing gay marriage to happen, but disregard everything else in Leviticus? Why are they allowed to pick and choose what is still a law from Leviticus and what is not? I'm honestly curious to see what people think.

Also, just a random side note - the bible spends more time talking about and condemning people who divorce than it does even talking about homosexuality. If people are making gay marriage illegal, why aren't they trying to make divorce illegal, too?

I'm not trying to argue for either side here with these questions, nor am I trying to sway you to one opinion or the other. This is just me thinking out loud. I'm just trying to understand why the side arguing against gay marriage thinks they have a solid case. All the reasons I've heard seem kinda silly and easily turned around. I also am looking for the solid reasons people arguing for gay marriage have, too. I have my own opinions on this whole thing, and I wanna know everyone else's.

Don't be afraid to voice your opinion. If you disagree with it, tell me why. If you agree with it, tell me why. I wanna know lmao, I don't have many people who disagree with it in my life so I don't know all the reasons.

If your entire opinion, or even part of it, consists of bashing one side or the other, please refrain from commenting.

Also, uh, one specific question asking your opinion, can anyone give me a good political, logical, NON RELIGIOUS AFFILIATED argument for why gay marriage should be banned?

Cause if not, pretty sure this is going against separation of church and state? Idk, unless someone has a reason why it's not. *uneducated* *grabby hands at other people's ideas*

politics, life, uh.

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