I am fragile

Oct 12, 2008 11:33

Another player with the slick trigger finger
For Her Majesty
Another one with the golden tone voice
Poisoning your fantasy
Another bill from a killer
Turned a thriller into a tragedy

A door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Oh, someone that you think that you can trust
Is just

My doctor said it was because of the pain in my neck I get each night that prevents me from sleeping. My mother said it was the stress of the midterms I use as an excuse when she asks me 'what's wrong', because honestly I don't have a midterm a teacher is giving out. My little brother said it was probably the constant switching of medicine because my parents never listen to me. My older brother says it isn't a problem as long as it's fixed now.

Only my dad knows. Without a word, just a glance tells me he knows it's something else entirely. I'm not sure if I feel exposed or relieved to remember that my father can read me better than anyone save for one other very special person. It doesn't quite matter in this situation, not anymore. What has happened, has happened. Yeah, I ache from exhaustion, the soreness throughout my entire body isn't going to go away anytime soon, and the visceral reminder of how much control has been taken from me wasn't exactly how I was planning on spending my morning, but my mind feels freer than it has been in a long time, and suddenly life seems that much better.

The terror takes hours to fade, the soreness days, the memory months, but the creative wave that crashes over me afterward brings back all the past ones with overwhelming force that I can ignore the fact that it's taking all of my physical effort to keep from falling forward and passing out on my desk. My neck still hurts, my headache has just only passed, and, of all things, my tongue hurts the worst, but, within this cage of convulsions and medication, I somehow feel...free.

See? I told you I could find something positive out of this. There is some good in every situation.

All it takes is knowing where to find it and how to take it away with you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am in desperate need of sleep. Let's see if I can.

seizures, music, life, change, creativity, writing

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