(no subject)

Aug 21, 2008 20:05

Hello my friends list. I meant to do this awhile ago but forgot, so FRIENDS CUT. Unless I talk to you day-to-day (o u kcers u), comment or I will delete you uu.

So. College. Yup. I move in Saturday and classes start Wednesday. I lost my schedule...it's around here somewhere ok and I can always get it again lmfao, so I can't tell you exactly what classes I'll be taking, but from what I remember I'm taking: French, World Civ, Creative Writing, Philosophy (maybe psychology?? idk I forgot...), uh...yep...that's all I really remember lmfoa. I know it's pretty evenly spaced out in the way of time and stuff. Also, nothing before 10am. Te.

I bought some stuff for my dorm the other day derp. I can't buy everything though because idk how much space I'll have, so I'll buy the rest of it after the initial move is done. Woo on living ten minutes away from campus derp. But I did buy bedding and stuff, and tons of vintage and historical photography posters (plus a video game or two). I hope my roomie likes the 40s in America because that's all my wall will be covered with...

Anna, Nala - I really am tempted to see if I can find that Winston Churchill picture online somewhere. I will so intensely put it on my wall.

But yeah, I think I might go see if I can check out my dorm room tomorrow just to check out what it looks like. Blah, and registration/check in/orientation is Saturday to Tuesday and I'm required to do all four days :-! oh well.

http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/assets/product_images/380/68071111859CZ.JPG <-- This is the bedding I got for my room by the way eee.

God I need to finish watching Baccano! and reading Reborn!. Which one do you guys think I should finish first...

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO OWE ME LETTERS you can send them now by the way lmfao. And those of you who I owe letters they're coming ok.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa other stuff going on in my life but I don't feel like typing it up.

friends, bored, college, kc, kingdom crack, friends cut, school, life

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