FIRST AND FOREMOST: friends cut. Comment if ya wanna be kept.
Let's see how many people still read this, lol.
So yesterday I joined
lighting's new rp, and thanks to the lovely Elle, I, once again, have a magnificent username for my character (the previous username I stole from her being
ozuchiohfuckit, of course).
Also, speaking of Elle, she drew the best picture of me ever the other day of
me playing with my dolls. Check out my profile if you want to see the picture, and as for the thread...well it's better you don't ask.
I head home from London on Saturday, and honestly I'm not that sad to be going home. Sure I'll miss a couple people here, but London just isn't my kinda place. I went to Paris this weekend for the second time, and I can say I miss that place already, but London just doesn't fit me, I guess.
Eh, then there's the fact that I feel this entire trip has been spent with thirteen-year-olds, but whatever. Who woulda thought a year or two difference in age could be that big of a change. Was I like this guys? Shallow, judgemental, dramatic...god I probably was. Part of me probably still is. *smashes face* Oh well. At least I won't have to feel like a babysitter much longer. These kids can go back to their crazy lives and I can get on with my own.
Being around these people (I wanna say kids, but it a. makes me feel kinda pretentious and b. somehow makes me feel old) has shown me a different side of teenagers that I always saw but always dismissed because I never had to spend more than a school day around it. I'm still in awe at how judgemental and blind some people can be; it's unbelievable the rumors and quiet insults that fly around behind people's backs. The hurtful remarks friends say behind each others' backs here is beyond shocking, as is the amount of people who seem to think they've got life down to a dot, or at least social skills. I can't even really put it clearly into words...listening to someone dissect a person, explain why they're not worthy of hanging out with, correcting their fashion, pointing out their personality flaws, then taking the high road when they hear someone doing the same thing ("I can't believe that person. Disgusting, judging someone they don't even know."). Sure, there are some people here I can't be around for more than five minutes, but I'm not about to whisper horrid remarks about them that I know will get back to them and get some sort of grim satisfaction as I see them with a hopeless look on their face next time as they realize that today, they've become the person no one likes. It's okay, though - tomorrow it'll be someone else, and they'll have friends again.
Disgusting. I got tired of telling people to shove it and stop talking about people behind their backs, I even got tired of telling people to go spread their rumors around someone else, that I don't care. They're not even worth a fuck off. And I know that as I sit here venting about it, part of me is just like them in that demeanor. Kinda grimly ironic how the human psyche is like that.
Uuu I miss home. Just had to get that out of my system.
On another note, lmfao I'm pmsing I think urk. So stay away from me for awhile idk? Sometimes I can get really bitchy and snappy, most of you know.
I bought the new Superchic[k] album the other day and I do enjoy. m.
I miss my guitar aaaaa. Maybe that's why I'm so snippy.
Stolen from
spanishwire Comment and I'll tell you something I love about you. ♥