Apr 07, 2010 23:56
My friend Brittany's thesis project has to do with political and current events and she's designing a website called design for a change. It's basically blog based and user generated. But anyone can go on it and post their thoughts on different issues (whether it be expressed through words, photos, art, ect...) It's community based, which means that for each topic there's a blog where multiple people post (you get your own profile, but not necessarily your own space- whatever you post is meshed in with what everyone else posts and completely public)
Anyways, my point is that she needs to generate some content for her site, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to write, draw or photograph something that they are passionate about (with regards to the current events and political topics) It would be extremely appreciated. Also, the website will be live soon, so your stuff would actually be on the real website and it would really help her out with her project.
Here is her description:
Design For A Change is a place where designers can demonstrate the value of design in politics. This community will bring in people from all backgrounds and design experience. Design For A Change is our chance to communicate our feelings and thoughts on topics such as health care, foreign affairs, education, etc. in our most comfortable medium. Hopefully, as designers, we can make a change by raising awareness, causing alarm, or support.
If anyone is interested please let me know soon! (Our show is in a month!)