An Update.

Jul 14, 2005 23:13

So.....It's been a while. To the update:

!) Not that this pertains to the update, but I just now witnessed a beat-up red truck rear end a green minivan outside my window. There were children in the minivan, and I could hear one of them crying.

@) I just misspelled the word "hear" as "here", but went back and fixed it so none of you would know.

#) The unthinkable finally occurred...I, Jamie Grant, undergraduate student of six long, sometimes depressing, often misspent, mostly memorable, and always (at the very least) interesting years, have finally earned myself a college degree. (I tried to attach some photographic proof for the skeptics among you, but couldn't figure out how.) It's kind of funny...being as disenchanted as I was with school by the end of it all, I almost opted to blow off commencement and just be done with it. But I went, and as my name was read aloud by the chair of our department and I stepped up on the stage, my friends in the audience (underclassmen and graduates alike) all rose to give me a surprisingly sincere standing ovation and cheered me all the way across the stage. It was the happiest moment I'd experienced in a long time...for a few seconds, all the negativity I had bottled up over the last year or two just washed away, making way for an overwhelming feeling of benevolence. All the wrong turns and stupid mistakes I had made along the way ended up making that walk all the sweeter.

$) A truly bizarre and random series of events have led me to an incredible career opportunity that I in no way deserve...if things continue to go as well as they have thus far, less than a month from now I'll be working in production at MTV in New York City. In two weeks I'll be heading out to that Big, Shiny, Delightfully Tart Granny Smith Apple to hopefully turn what seems like a solid verbal agreement into reality. If all works out (and I ask that all fingers remain crossed and that all available wood be knocked upon), then I will return to Hoosierland for a few weeks, pack up, say my goodbyes, and make the Big Move by early September.

%) I just took a ten minute break to watch an intensely vicious wrestling match between a cat (my roommate's) and a rat terrier (my neighbor's). The cat won.

%%) Katie Nathan is the coolest girl in school, and I get to kiss her.

^) So yeah...all in all, things are going pretty great for me right now. It took getting happy again to fully realize how depressed and ambivalent I had become...and how fucking great it feels to be back.

&) Lastly, I love and miss you guys, and I hope everything is well with you. With any luck, you'll all find avoiding damp socks to be little short of effortless.


*) I just added this one to spite the Ampersand, who insisted on being last. Ha ha ha! Conjunct THIS, motherfucker!! (Jamie-1, Arrogant Punctuation-0)
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